Fallout 4 – PC-Update 1.4 ist da, die finalen Patch-Notes

Bethesda hat die finale Version des PC-Updates 1.4 für Fallout 4 veröffentlicht. Darin ist unter anderem der offizielle Add-On-Support enthalten. 

Exakt eine Woche nach der Veröffentlichung einer Beta-Version steht jetzt endlich auch die finale Version des PC-Updates 1.4 für das Rollenspiel Fallout 4 zum Download bereit.

Die vollständigen (und finalen) Patch-Notes finden Sie unterhalb dieser Meldung.

Patch-Notes für Fallout 4 v1.4

New Features

  • Support for add-ons

Additional art customization added to Workshop

  • Super Mutant clutter including meat totems, meat bags and meat cart
  • Raider clutter including raider poles, cages and tents
  • Abstract and portrait paintings
  • Variety of new signs
  • More metal and wood doors variants


  • General stability and performance improvements
  • During „Getting a Clue“ quest, Kellogg’s desk will remain a working container
  • During „Rocket’s Red Glare“, resolved issue where companions could not be dismissed after completing the quest
  • Fixed an issue with „Kremvh’s Tooth“ quest item not spawning properly
  • Settlements under attack will now display an updated message with the results of the attack if player does not respond
  • Fixed an issue with screen effects not clearing away properly after using a scope
  • Fixed an issue with trying to sprint while in third person with a minigun equipped
  • Rank 4 of Demolition Expert perk now properly increases the area effect of explosives
  • The Scrounger perk now includes additional common ammo types
  • Fixed an issue where Calvin Whitaker would disappear in Vault 81
  • Fixed an issue where Ninja and Sandman perks combined would apply the incorrect damage bonus
  • Fixed an issue where Rank 3 of Grim Reaper’s Sprint did not fill critical meter properly
  • Fixed an issue with key cards not spawning correctly in Vault 75
  • Fixed an issue where enemies would stop spawning during „Airship Down“
  • Being in first person while wearing power armor and quickly switching weapons will no longer cause the Pip-Boy to be stuck
  • Fixed an issue with the autosave counter getting incorrectly reset
  • Fixed issue that would cause the Pip-Boy menu to turn invisible while swimming
  • Fixed an issue where scrapping larger quantities of a single item would inadvertently scrap a legendary item
  • Fixed issue where exiting workbenches would cause third person to stop working properly
  • The Scribe can now be assigned consecutive settlements properly
  • Fixed issue with duplicating scraps shipments
  • Fixed issue with vendors not properly exchanging caps after several consecutive transactions in a row
  • Fixed issue with the quicksave and autosave message persisting through loading screens
  • Fixed an issue where updating to the latest patch would cause Options settings to reset back to default (Xbox One)
  • Fixed an issue with loading save with a placed object in water, not properly floating

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