Crysis 2 – Patch 1.4 erschienen!

Hallo Community!

Heute ist der neueste Patch zu Crysis 2 erschienen. Die Version 1.4 enthält folgende Verbesserungen:

  • Vote-kicking feature added.
  • Added a reserved slot system for server admins.
  • Further improvements to anti-cheat measures.
  • Objectives are returned if they end up in forbidden areas.
  • Fix for Nanosuit Modules that could not be leveled in some circumstances.
  • Fix for some instances of errors logging into multiplayer that would report „Could not connect to Gamespy“.
  • Fix for unlock tokens failing to be awarded if a player quit a game in which they leveled up before the end of the round.
  • Fix for inconsistencies with weapon zooming.
  • Fix for outdated stats being saved when a client leaves mid-game.
  • Fixes to the Nanosuit Reboot option available at level 50.
  • Fixed several weapon exploits.
  • Fixed a rare issue where auto-aim, stealth kill and grab would not work on an AI.
  • Reduced memory footprint of sound.
  • Optimized full screen effects on some graphics cards.
  • Optimized SSAO on some graphics cards.

Der Patch ist momentan nur über die Update-Funktion des Spiels verfügbar. Startet die Crysis2Launcher.exe im bin32-Verzeichnis, um ihn zu erhalten. Die Steam-Variante verzögert sich wegen eines schwerwiegenden Fehlers.


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